
PLAY Kids Yoga Cards is a teaching tool designed to introduce creativity and facilitate movement-based exploration and self-expression. Created for kids by kids-at-heart, the cards are like pages of an unbound book that can be arranged in numerous ways to create stories, a flow of movement, or steps of an obstacle course! Designed for yogis as young as two years old, many teachers and students will enjoy the poses carefully selected to develop body awareness, motor planning, and strength while facilitating imaginative play and creative thinking.

Both kid- and parent-friendly, each card shows an asana that draws inspiration from different elements of nature and the modern world. Mirroring different gross motor milestones, children (and their families) are taught to stretch like puppies, stand proud like trees, or stomp like big elephants! Yogic and medical science both show that these postures develop not just physical strength but mental resilience and emotional courage.

In addition to the endorphins that each stretch is guaranteed to bring, little yogis will surely appreciate the beautiful illustrations of Ravi, the project’s 9-year old artist and illustrator. His light heart and appreciation for life shows through this special artist’s colorful depictions of happy and content children at play.

Paired with each illustration are rhymes filled with warm words of encouragement prompting an adventurer along his journey of imagination and self-discovery. With a knack for chasing adventures herself, Teacher Steph, a pediatric occupational therapist and yoga teacher, paints pictures of strength, contentment, and love through her poems that may serve as guide.

If you’re ready to rediscover yoga through the eyes of a child or you’d love to share your holistic yoga journey with your little one, get yourself or your little yogi a set of PLAY kids yoga cards. A portion of the sales will go to the future projects of Special Achievers, an NGO that helps children with handicap go beyond their disability.

SOURCE: Teach Yoga Through PLAY